Package: cxml-types

Class month-type


xsd-type, data-type, cxml-types::time-ordering-mixin, cxml-types::ordering-mixin, common-lisp:standard-object, sb-pcl::slot-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses



The gMonth data type, representing a calendar month.

Syntax. This type accepts an ISO-like syntax. For details refer to the specification.

Implementation. This type returns the same kind of lists as date-time-type, except that the fields year, day, hour, minute and second are filled with dummy values from the Gregorian year AD 1.

Parameters. This type is ordered and allows the parameters max-inclusive, min-inclusive, max-exclusive, and min-exclusive. The ordering is partial except within a timezone, see the spec for details.

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also