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19.2 Listing Fonts

McCLIM's font listing functions allow applications to list all available fonts available on a port and create text style instances for them.


     * (find "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"
             (clim-extensions:port-all-font-families (clim:find-port))
             :key #'clim-extensions:font-family-name
             :test #'equal)
     #<CLIM-GTKAIRO::PANGO-FONT-FAMILY Bitstream Vera Sans Mono>
     * (clim-extensions:font-family-all-faces *)
     (#<CLIM-GTKAIRO::PANGO-FONT-FACE Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Bold>
      #<CLIM-GTKAIRO::PANGO-FONT-FACE Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Bold Oblique>
      #<CLIM-GTKAIRO::PANGO-FONT-FACE Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Oblique>
      #<CLIM-GTKAIRO::PANGO-FONT-FACE Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Roman>)
     * (clim-extensions:font-face-scalable-p (car *))
     * (clim-extensions:font-face-text-style (car **) 50)
     #<CLIM:STANDARD-TEXT-STYLE "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" "Bold" 50>

— Class: clim-extensions:font-family

Class precedence list: font-family, standard-object, slot-object, t

The protocol class for font families. Each backend defines a subclass of font-family and implements its accessors. Font family instances are never created by user code. Use port-all-font-families to list all instances available on a port.

— Class: clim-extensions:font-face

Class precedence list: font-face, standard-object, slot-object, t

The protocol class for font faces Each backend defines a subclass of font-face and implements its accessors. Font face instances are never created by user code. Use font-family-all-faces to list all faces of a font family.

— Generic Function: clim-extensions:port-all-font-families port &key invalidate-cache

Returns the list of all font-family instances known by PORT. With INVALIDATE-CACHE, cached font family information is discarded, if any.

— Generic Function: clim-extensions:font-family-name font-family

Return the font family's name. This name is meant for user display, and does not, at the time of this writing, necessarily the same string used as the text style family for this port.

— Generic Function: clim-extensions:font-family-port font-family

Return the port this font family belongs to.

— Generic Function: clim-extensions:font-family-all-faces family

Return the list of all font-face instances for this family.

— Generic Function: clim-extensions:font-face-name font-face

Return the font face's name. This name is meant for user display, and does not, at the time of this writing, necessarily the same string used as the text style face for this port.

— Generic Function: clim-extensions:font-face-family font-face

Return the font family this face belongs to.

— Generic Function: clim-extensions:font-face-all-sizes face

Return the list of all font sizes known to be valid for this font, if the font is restricted to particular sizes. For scalable fonts, arbitrary sizes will work, and this list represents only a subset of the valid sizes. See font-face-scalable-p.

— Generic Function: clim-extensions:font-face-text-style face &optional size

Return an extended text style describing this font face in the specified size. If size is nil, the resulting text style does not specify a size.